About Us

  • The headquarters of YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is in Antalya -TURKEY.
  • YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is an international refereed, academic scientific journal.
  • YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is regularly published at least 2 issues per year.
  • All of the works to be published in the journal must be original articles related to the field of social sciences and have not been published anywhere before, theoretically or practically. Additionally, compilations, translations and book reviews are included in each issue.
  • The publication language of the journal, which started its publication life in 2020, is Turkish, and articles are also published in English, German, French, Arabic and Persian.
  • YENİSEY International Journal of Language, Literature and Education is an open access journal that adopts international COPE and BOAI criteria.